Monday, 11 March 2013

Report Procrastination Day 2

I'm getting a little worried - I just cannot get motivated to write these reports!!

I stare at them, I write a name, I fill in the "consistently" "usually" "beginning" chart and then I stall...

Today was a day of tears and headaches, of fevers and frustration, of a "is something worrying you that you want to talk about" conference on the steps outside the assembly hall with a child and quite a few "HELP ME" conferences with my co-teachers in the corridor!

(The children indulged in the first three, we shared the frustration and the conferences were mine alone - the countless emails to parents and the running around the ENTIRE building 3 times looking for a parent who just wouldn't stay in one place to collect her child were also mine :) )

It was a day for serious chocolate bingeing but sadly, since I'm trying to be a healthy vegan, there is not one single bit of this delicious, delectable, delightful rainforest treat in the house!

So, to the melodious background plucking of my husband's new guitar (he has thankfully abandoned his attempts to play the saxophone and has moved on to the guitar which is SO much more pleasant!!) I went pinteresting instead and found quotes to inspire me. Here are two that I found tonight - one for me and one for my class :)

This one is for me.

And this one is for my kiddies. This could be a good art project someday.

And this is what I need for one particular child - the one who makes me take lots of deep breaths and try to remember quote # 1 before I do anything else!!

Tomorrow I will write 2 reports while they are all at PE and I will write 2 more at night. I will then have completed one quarter of them (we're starting fractions of a number tomorrow so I am practicing terminology :) ) I. will. write. 4. reports. tomorrow. without. fail!!


  1. I have the THINK before you speak poster up in my room. I love it! I refer to it all the time.


    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

  2. I'm becoming quite addicted to quotes. There are so many out there that I love :)

