Monday 3 March 2014

Rainbow Reading Revisited

Earlier in the year I blogged about a new reading incentive scheme I was trying out in the classroom and I thought I'd revisit it since it has been successful beyond what I expected!

Our Book Ribbons have filled up and are overflowing; 

Beginning of incentive program

More and more books being read!
Some ribbons are overflowing with books!

one student is within 2 books of being the first person to get on the Bookshelf of Fame (can't wait for the award ceremony!! I think I'll make a real production out of it and get some enthusiasm going!!); the bulletin board cards look prettier by the day as they collect more and more colors; 

At the beginning

One more color to go!!!! Woot!

My kiddies are READING!! And no-one (and I mean NO-ONE has lost a bookmark!!)

So... since this has been so awesome - and since someone recently asked me if I had made it available for purchase - I packaged it all together as a product. Just a note that it is not editable - but student names can easily be filled in by hand in a pretty marker and it will look just as nice. :)

Happy Monday, all! :)

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