Sunday, 22 September 2013

Super duper giveaway! - and an update.

I had an exhausting week. Parent night went really well - and the classroom looked great - but I was TIRED by Friday.

Today I re-connected with my computer and discovered that Whimsy Workshop - one of my favorite clip artists - is having a FANTASTIC giveaway.

Her. whole. graphics. store!!!

Totally amazing!

I already have a lot of her artwork and it is truly beautiful.

So, hurry over and enter. You won't regret it!!


Whimsy Workshop

And what's happening in school?

Well, we did a bit more on our science unit (solids and liquids) - had a great crash of breaking glass when one child flailed around and knocked over the ONLY glass flask on the entire table - which shattered into tiny pieces everywhere.

Horrified silence from all the girls. Nothing from me. I was smothered in lavender oil and therefore totally calm so I got another work pack for the child whose work was soaked, moved her away from the glass, cleaned up all the water and shards, checked that everyone was wearing shoes to avoid any more drama - and carried on.

Love that lavender oil!! I'm going to invest in a few more bottles. I think I may need it this year :)

I think I'll break out the paints next week! Might as well see what chaos can result from that as soon as possible so I'm prepared for the rest of the year. :) 

Positives this week included:

Everyone got back from Dance 10 minutes faster than last week.
Everyone got their topic work finished and glued into their books in time for Parent night.
The hugs have started.
I remembered all my duties. :) (I was even early to them!)
All the conference spots but one were filled up on Parent night so no need for emails. Looks like I have some super organized parents this year - woot!!

I left my camera at school by mistake over the weekend so no action photos today :( but I'm trying hard to get back to a more regular posting schedule. 

This week we're starting work on number lines, thermometers, history sources - I WISH I had some real Roman artefacts but sadly I'll have to use photos - and will be doing some benchmarking in reading. I still have to get started on the class blog - that's on the to-do list - and introduce them all to Storybird... it feels like time is just rushing by so quickly!!

Well, gotta go and get started on my planning. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, everyone, and have a happy week.

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