Saturday, 26 January 2013

Persuasive Writing a la the Class Blog

This is so cute I just had to log back on and share it :)
We have a class blog that my students are really enjoying and this weekend I set a persuasive writing assignment.
I posted the directions on my page (post entitled Class Pet? Which One?) - to write a post explaining which of 5 class pets they think would be the best choice to win the Class Pet Award.
I picked 5 photos of interesting class pets (located on pinterest :)) gave them names and entered them in my Class Pet Competition.
My kids have been writing their responses this weekend and I'm enjoying seeing their attempts at persuading me to choose one pet over another. This post made me laugh - plus I think it's really good for an 8 year old! Parents have been forbidden to assist and I know this is her own work.

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